Employee Appreciation Day 2020

Congratulations nominees

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Employee Appreciation Day 2020

In celebration of #EmployeeAppreciationDay, CampusWorks is proud to recognize ten of its awesome team members.  All were nominees of its peer recognition program, Guiding Principle Exemplars, and demonstrate the highest standards of service and collaboration with their clients and colleagues. Our 2020 Guiding Principle ExemplarJohn Franklin, was spotlighted in January. Please join us in celebrating the outstanding accomplishments of the following nominees…

Guiding Principle Exemplar Nominees:

Barbara BrennerBarbara Brenner | Senior Technologist

Principles recognized:

» If it is good for the client, it is good for CampusWorks.
» Our people and results distinguish us.

Why she was nominated:

“When students and families couldn’t obtain their estimated aid or pay their tuition bills due to continued blunders in the Financial Aid department, both the college and ERP vendor depended on Barbara’s expertise in order to unwind the missteps of the prior aid year and work toward proper auto-packaging for the new year. She did this on top of her existing project duties and in addition to serving as a beta-site for the ERP vendor’s new financial aid award letter…She did it because she felt it would benefit the students and families of the college.”

Kevin David

Kevin David | Portfolio Executive Leader

Principles recognized:

» If it is good for the client, it is good for CampusWorks.
» Our people and results distinguish us.
» We stop, think, and then go.
» We do what we say.
» We are a team. You are never alone.
» We work with, not around.

Why he was nominated:

“Kevin has a broad view of our clients’ needs and is also able to execute on a tactical level…He’s independent yet collaborative. He’s done an amazing job leading our strategic planning projects. He takes ownership of the clients he is responsible for, builds great rapport, and ensures clients are satisfied.”

Julie FalconerJulie Falconer | Senior Optimization Executive & Program Manager

Principles recognized:

» If it is good for the client, it is good for CampusWorks.
» Integrity and ethics are the basis for advancing our business.
» Our people and results distinguish us.

Why she was nominated:

“Julie repeatedly demonstrates her deep-rooted caring for our clients by working to provide them the best possible Process Reimagine & Redesign (PRR) experience…She overcomes scheduling challenges…Arranges PRRs in a more meaningful order according to the client’s unique structure instead of based on our tool…And ensures that the quality of each engagement is the best she can deliver.”

Teresa FortTeresa Fort | Senior IT Executive & Program Manager

Principle recognized:

» We stop, think, and then go.

Why she was nominated:

“As a project manager it is second nature to stop, think, and then go, but what sets Teresa apart is her ability to instill this in all who are a part of her team…I have witnessed her repeatedly ask, ‘What problem are we trying to solve?’ as new projects are proposed…She has driven us to think critically and fully analyze the cause of a problem before rushing to action.”


Noreen GottfredsenNoreen Gottfredsen | Finance Director

Principles recognized:

» Integrity and ethics are the basis for advancing our business.
» We do what we say.
» We are a team. You are never alone
» We work with, not around.

Why she was nominated:

“Noreen is a behind-the-scenes, secret weapon…She works long hours to make sure we all have the data we need to make decisions…Her long-tenure with CampusWorks, and the knowledge that comes with that, is irreplaceable.”

Hope Lynne GravesHope Lynne Graves | Marketing Manager

Principle recognized:

» We are compassionate.

Why she was nominated:

“Compassion is Hope Lynne’s default setting…She’d probably tell you that she hasn’t done anything special that warrants recognition but the recipients of her compassion would disagree. When the Business Development Team needed extra time to complete a major proposal, she volunteered to hand deliver it, requiring a 400-mile trip but buying the team a critical few days time…She sets up phony conference calls to sing “happy birthday” to her teammates…her compassion extends beyond the workplace to her family, veterans, and especially her beloved horses. It is clear she understands the ‘people’ side of our business.”


Doug HawksDoug Hawks | Portfolio Executive Leader

Principles recognized:

» Integrity and ethics are the basis for advancing our business.
» If is good for the client, it is good for CampusWorks.
» We stop, think, and then go.
» We do what we say.
» We are a team. You are never alone.
» We work with, not around.

Why he was nominated:

“Doug is an astute CampusWorks leader. He goes above and beyond to ensure the team is successful and that clients’ needs are met…He goes above and beyond to ensure we deliver the highest quality services, meet deliverables, understand the client’s true needs, and he helps coordinate efforts every step of the way.”

Walter KerceWalter Kerce | Senior IT Executive

Principle recognized:

» We are a team. You are never alone.

Why he was nominated:

“Walt is a rare individual. He spends substantially more time thinking of others rather than himself…routinely demonstrating awareness and empathy…In a world where people are increasingly self-absorbed, he stands out as one who is not. He is compassionate, understanding, and slow to judgement—you can trust that he will both listen and reflect upon what you are telling him. He will always go the extra mile.”


William ReevesWilliam Reeves | Technologist

Principles recognized:

» We are compassionate.
» We work with, not around.
» We are a team. You are never alone.

Why he was nominated:

“William was promoted into a new position when I was hired, and as I moved into his prior role he was always a phone call away if I needed help or advice on a situation. Always thinking of the students first and how to make their day easier…He truly cares for the students and wants to better their college experience.”

Byron SayresByron Sayres | Portfolio Director

Principles recognized:

» We do what we say.
» We are a team. You are never alone.
» We work with, not around.

Why he was nominated:

“Byron has done a great job stepping into a Portfolio Director role…he has worked tirelessly to keep the internal trains running while also focusing on our clients’ needs…He often serves as our guru for internal projects…his training/mentoring/collaboration is key to the company’s continued growth and success.”

CampusWorks’ Guiding Principles

Our Guiding Principles enable us to deliver outstanding service, satisfying careers, and financial success.

  • Integrity and ethics are the basis for advancing our business.
  • If it is good for the client, it is good for CampusWorks.
  • Our people and results distinguish us.
  • We stop, think, and then go.
  • We do what we say.
  • We respect diversity, experience, innovation, and courage.
  • We are compassionate.
  • We are a team. You are never alone.
  • We work with, not around.